Coaching & leadership development with Penny Wallace

Executive coaching

Landing in my CEO role was a whirlwind in the first few months, and Penny immediately brought calm and order to my work, and therefore personal, life!

From dealing with my imposter syndrome, to being a sounding board in developing a new business plan and dealing with the large barriers that crop up from time to time, I’ve been coached to carry the tools to deal with any situation. And if ever a challenge appears that I struggle to navigate, Penny is on hand as soon as I shine the bat signal up into the sky! 

I stopped punishing myself and thinking the worst – the classic catastrophising – and began to plan better, be more realistic in my own delivery expectations and started to be kind to myself, which improved my mental health straight away. 

Penny helped me go from someone I considered to be a CEO struggling to cope to someone who recognises and seeks to grow their own competence. Not only has Penny helped to map my way forward in the shorter term, but also encourages me in my career path beyond the current role.

Penny has helped me to set sail on a better-defined voyage of my own career and development discovery, and deal with whatever the prevailing conditions bring; whether that be flat water (rare!), choppy waves or stormy seas.

CEO, Global Energy

Penny has an amazing way of getting me to talk openly which feels very natural and not forced which was not my experience with other coaches.

Due to her strong communication and questioning ability, she is able to help me understand my areas of concern, when I have not been able to understand them for myself. This enables me to work through solutions and become a stronger, more confident leader. When I walk away from a coaching session, I feel good about myself and believe I can achieve anything.

My natural way of thinking is to look at the negative elements, when I do this now I always think about Penny’s words  –  “look at the positive” which makes me think through the scenario and think through what has gone well first and then what needs developing. This makes a huge difference and has a more balanced view of what has happened.

Managing Director, Energy Retail 

Penny has a unique skill in absorbing and feeling the impulses / weak signals to specific situations / organisational context and then provides tangible injections of confidence and ideas for actions to navigate a raft of leadership challenges.

I looked forward to my coaching sessions, the space we would explore and always leave with clear actions and an aura of ‘I can work this out’ (in a smart way). The advice resonated and never failed to improve me and clear away challenges.

A decade on I am still in touch with Penny and see her as a friend and confidant. Her wisdom is priceless and very practical. I would say she is one handful of people that had an instrumental impact of making my career successful and fun! 

The aura that I left my coaching sessions with to make stuff happen, clear away noise, focus on what really matters.

I was always amazed how she had such an intimate feel for our organisation and its people without stepping into it and meeting all of the people and had a memory that was very useful in joining the dots.

Transformation Director – Global Energy 

I always feel in a much better place after any interaction with Penny. She believes in her coachees, imparts positivity as easy as she breathes, and hones in on my strengths and potential, thereby helping me see how I can better use these to master challenging situations.

Any interaction with Penny is always a breath of fresh air. I feel like I have my own personal cheerleader – someone who believes in me and who truly has my best interests at heart. 

Over 10 years later, not a week goes by that little nuggets of insight from my sessions with Penny don’t come to mind. She always had the most brilliant suggestions for how I could ensure insights remained memorable and front of mind. Whether it’s using “Think, Say, Feel and Do” to reflect on my impact before any important interactions, or keeping a post-it in my car, on my bathroom mirror, or in my notebook to remind myself about areas on which I was working, I still use these take-aways from Penny today and often find myself sharing these tips with my own employees and mentees. 

Having worked with other coaches, the PW difference has to be the fact that she ensures you leave each session with an actionable plan, always providing this plan in summary notes after the session. So many coaches leave you to do all of the heavy lifting yourself, and whilst I no doubt moved mountains during my sessions with Penny, it was ever so helpful to have pragmatic, actionable steps to support my journey of growth and change. As a busy executive at the time, the follow-up notes were ever so helpful, and this allowed me to focus on my dialogue with her as opposed to scrambling to take notes during our session. Further, I particularly value the fact that Penny always ensure sessions focus on the whole person and not just the baggage we bring from work. 

Founder & CEO, Employer Branding Agency

A session with Penny is like finding answers you didn’t know you were looking for. Penny has a beautiful way of making you feel genuinely comfortable while bringing out the best version of you.

Penny’s coaching helped me to identify the things that I really wanted rather than the things I thought I wanted. As a result I’m able to be more assertive about the things that are important to me, professionally and personally.

HR Director, Construction and Security

Penny is naturally able to connect at a deeper level that creates a strong platform for personal and professional development, this is quite unique and rare. I was only able to comprehend how unique Penny’s natural style was by working with other coaches and development sessions.

Penny has a natural gift to quickly get to the core of the issue and make you look at the whole situation in a different angle as a result equipping you with the tools to handle a similar situation in the future. What really fascinates me is that Penny is very quick to read trends of behaviour and bring the strength of a Management Team through the differences of individuals and on how the differences compliment a given situation. 

Coaching has brought immense advantage to my role and career as a result drive the Finance function forward with passion. Coaching has really brought ease to my job as I am equipped on all the people elements to handle a given situation especially when I have to deliver a challenging message. I believe it has made me a better Manager and Business Partner to higher management as I am able to comprehend many dimensions of a given situation.

Penny is unique, she is so unique that I found it harder to work with other coaches after I had worked with Penny. Once you have the Penny experience, I would say it is hard to settle for less, as you want the best and know what a difference Management coaching can bring to your professional wellbeing.

Financial Controller – Professional Services 

Penny has an innate talent where she seeks to understand, is non-judgmental and allows you time to work through anything by asking amazing questions. Her calm and balanced approach immediately makes you feel at ease.

Acknowledging your own successes, Penny immediately makes you think and consider more broadly. She is a pleasure to work with. Penny has an amazing ability to take complex business and individual situations and quickly disseminate the facts to work through to the exact spot which requires focus.
Penny can help you achieve your goals and dreams in a way that I have seen few other coaches be able to do. She has superhero levels of perception, empathy and curiosity that guides you in your journey of discovery. Coaching is far from a dry and abstract experience with Penny – I laughed (and cried at times!) as I experienced breakthrough after breakthrough and found insights into my performance and future that had previously eluded me.  I felt safe, supported and inspired throughout.

She is a true professional and comes with a wealth of diverse knowledge and experience that can benefit anyone regardless of their role, level or industry.  I had such an enjoyable experience and she inspired me so much that in turn became a qualified coach and changed my life direction to find a fulfilling career that I am passionate about.

Don’t hesitate in working with Penny. She is a true joy to work with and master in her field. She will help you to leave no stone unturned, and no opportunity missed, as you confidently achieve your goals.

CEO & Coach 

Forest coaching is an even more relaxing coaching session.

Going for a walk or having a cup of tea feels like you are meeting a friend for a great chat. The first time I did this I got in my car and reflected on what an amazing coaching session it was and everything I learnt about myself without knowing that was happening in the moment. I definitely recommend this.

Managing Director, Energy Retail 

Having worked with Penny for several years now, and benefited greatly from doing so, I am very happy to commend her to anyone who has reached a point in their life where the direction of the next step forward is no longer obvious.

Her ability to unlock ideas, imagination, and a means of linear thinking in one’s mind is quite remarkable.  Without question, I would not have delivered upon many of my personal and professional goals without her assistance.  

An additional, and for me, an important part of the service that Penny offers is the email that follows the coaching session.  This not only provides clarity and confirmation of what was discussed and agreed, but also a degree of accountability, which I have found helpful in situations where that next step is not the easiest one to take.

May I wish you the very best experience on the journey you’re about to take.  I am certain it will be valuable and fulfilling.


Coaching for every career stage

Coaching in the forest was great!

Escaping London and getting into nature is a great way of taking off the emotional baggage and tensions you carry and enables you to more quickly get to the fundamental issues you’re struggling with. Being connected with nature helps facilitate a mindset of possibility in career planning that can’t be replicated in more corporate settings.

Brand Consultant, Luxury Hospitality

Penny has a real personal connection when it comes to coaching you, compared to other coaches / trainers, she spent more time learning about you as a person, your skills and how you approach and make decisions day to day.

Then understanding what your goals are, where you want to be, before then really getting down to it and providing you with the tools and the experience to try and achieve those goals.  To understand who you are and how you work, how you make decisions and how you should manage that was something I had never been shown throughout my career

Every time I had a coaching session with penny, I felt invigorated and motivated, like I could take on anything.  I always learnt a new way to approach things, I had a new feel of motivation that the support and information she had just given me, I could take straight back into the workplace but also into my personal life.

Her sessions really developed me not only in my role, but in my day to day life and goals.  It  certainly made me believe in myself more and that I was doing it right, or if I wasn’t, Penny gave me the tools to do get it right, so much so, that after 30 years spent in the security industry, she gave me the support and confidence to completely change my career direction.

So far, I am 1 year into my new role, and have stepped right out of my comfort zone. However, this has created so much growth and development for me as a person that I am now building my own team and managing large programs that I thought I could never do.

Systems Program Manager – EMEA Security Engineering

I found the experience of coaching with Penny to be a hugely rewarding and enjoyable one.

She is a great listener, asks the important questions, and steers you clearly and patiently to find the insights and clarity you’re looking for.  I felt listened to and understood after discussing my career with Penny, and also left with greater clarity about what I was looking for.

The coaching helped me identify my strengths, as well as what truly motivates me (and what doesn’t!). It also set me up with the right mindset for a new job I was starting and gave me tools and tips to make the most of this new start.

Consumer Research & Innovation Executive

Within 15 of meeting Penny, I had a great sense of trust. I really look forward to the sessions.

I leave the coaching sessions feeling a significant sense of empowerment. 
I value that Penny offers super & simple strategies/ideas to support.

Penny asks great questions which cuts through corporate fog and straight to the heart of an issue (it’s a talent) . It also means that our time together is spent working on strategies and solutions.

The coaching has helped me to not only uncover barriers/derailers, but to move past them with some deep self-reflection that’s helped me to feel like a nicer person at work, without compromising results and some excellent strategies for coping in a boardroom setting.

I somehow feel a greater sense of inner-peace/calm resulting in all sorts of wins in my work and personal life.  I’ve just embarked on an MBA and it feels great.  Penny’s coaching gave me the confidence to formalise my CPD and I’ve enjoyed a successful internal promotion.

I don’t quite know how to put this into professional words but… I’ve learned strategies that help me to get what I want … (The art of influence maybe or is that a bit cheesy?)

Head of HR, Global Healthcare Business

Meeting with Penny has completely changed my life (no understatement!).

She has given me an outlet where I have been able to talk about myself and explore who I am, what drives me and why I behave the way I do.

Through her insights and experience, along with her amazing supportive and encouraging manner which makes her so easy to talk to, she has made me realise it is okay to be “me” and has given me a self-belief I never thought possible.

So I thank you Penny… everyone needs a “you” in their life!

Commercial Analyst – Retail, Hospitality & Catering

Being coached by Penny is like a spa for the mind. It's a pause in the busy day to day of life to explore, dream and discover.

I always come away with a sense of optimism, clarity and progress towards my future.

My coaching sessions have helped me build belief in myself, clarify the direction I’m going in, unravel tricky problems and navigate the best way forward.

Associate Director, Insight & Marketing

Coaching has been extremely rewarding. An iterative experience which matures over multiple sessions. You have a strong sense that Penny is invested in you as a person and not just as a professional.

You come away with thoughts (that mature over the days after the session and provoke self-analysis in the quiet moments) as well as concrete steps to action.

The key advantage was to impose a long term view on my career and to start to form the view of the multiple steps that are required to achieve a productive end goal. Prior to Penny’s coaching I was looking for the one big bold step that would solve all career issues in one go (which, needless to say, is very rare and counterproductive to search for). You also have Penny’s insights on your co-workers which help you to understand the eco-system you’re operating in.

Lawyer: Private Equity

Coaching with Penny has made me recognise how great I am at my job and have the confidence to own my position in the business. She has helped me feel excited about my career and future possibilities.

After a coaching session, I feel like I have super powers!  Penny has helped with specific strategies, which really work, for public speaking, influencing and tough conversations.

Through coaching, I’ve realised the kind of manager I want to be, whilst being my authentic self.

Quality Senior Lead – Medical Devices

Coaching has been transformative in evolving my career. Penny helps me to step out of myself, unblock career road blocks, and identify a simple set of steps I can take to get to where I need to get to.

Penny has a deeply human working style that I always look forward to engaging with. Our sessions always get to the nub of the issue and I come out walking on air with the possibilities she has unlocked.

Coaching brings me confidence in my own ability, gives me clear tools and techniques I can use to overcome obstacles and the energy to keep pushing forward and quiet the nay saying voices inside my head.  It’s helpful in overcoming tactical day to day challenges you come across and developing strategies to overcome them, and longer term, feeling like with Penny’s guidance I am carving out the career that is best suited to my set of skills and passion areas.

Brand Consultant, Luxury Hospitality

I would describe Penny simply as one of the most inspiring women I have ever met.

Penny makes the sessions feel like you are in a very safe and comfortable environment so you can be totally honest with your thoughts and feelings, which is incredibly important when you are having career coaching.

Throughout my career coaching, Penny was extremely thorough, and always followed up sessions with detailed emails and things for you to go away with and think about and work on which I continue to read now even though my sessions with Penny have finished.

After each session I felt so positive, happy and content and I would never think I could feel like that after starting the sessions feeling the total opposite, feeling very frustrated and unhappy but Penny took me through each situation and helped me to look at the situations in a different way and Penny taught me methods that I will use for life in my career to overcome this. Throughout the sessions I gained short, medium and long-term values, the short being how I felt after each session, the medium term were the actions I needed to take to make things better and the long term being the skills I learnt that I will have forever.

Towards the end of my sessions everything started to fall into place and it taught me what I needed and wanted in my work life. Penny supported me to become so much more confident and fulfilled with my career and I have skills for life that I will keep with me as I progress.

HR Officer, Hospitality

I had experienced a few challenges in life, both work and personal.

One of my colleagues mentioned that they had worked with a coach and felt this experience would offer me good support. My job involves much time spent alone. This time is useful in that you have time to think of ways to resolve ongoing problems, however it can mean you can overthink these problems. By speaking to a coach on a one-to-one basis, over a period of time, I have been able to have open and honest conversations which have meant I can formulate strategies to deal with any of the different challenges that I face.

I found this a positive experience that has allowed me to better myself.  Some of my mental blocks including communication skills, which include shying away from presentations have been addressed. Yes, these are still a work in progress however I am now more confident and have fewer self-doubts that hindered my performance.
I have now presented in different formats both internally and externally. I have found that I am less stressed at work and have regained added motivation which has made me more effective and overall I have become a more valued member of the team. I have gained much self-fulfilment as more of my ideas and suggestions have been approved and are now making a difference to the business in terms of helping team members own well-being as well as cost effective solutions that have helped the business margins.

Head of Security

The coaching experience with Penny was something unique that I experienced.

It helped me to understand and find myself. It’s like a mini escape, where you come back as a better version of yourself. It helped me to understand that I’m doing a great job and how much I already achieved. I still can’t believe it. A year ago I was scared to do conference calls and look at me now – leading calls every week. I will always be grateful for Penny’s coaching experience.

Operations Specialist

In one word: Transformational.

In more than one word:  Meeting Penny was without a doubt the catalyst in developing my career. Before I met Penny I had progressed through a business where I was always the youngest in my role and always looking up to someone well above my age for inspiration, I had tried to learn from them and take the best slice of each and mould them into who I should be. It wasn’t until Penny unlocked my true management style that I realised how much more effective I was purely through being myself with the guidance she had taught me.

Operations Manager, Hospitality

One of the best experiences in my career, Penny takes the time to listen to you by taking you out of your working environment, removing all distractions just so it is you and her.

In a way I feel like Penny is a therapist without being a therapist. 

Coaching allowed me to be a better version of myself in both my work and personal life in ways that I cannot describe other than I feel a lot more confident in what I am saying and doing, which a lot of people who I have worked with over the years have noticed and complimented me on.

IT Manager

Leadership team coaching

It had been a number of years since most of my team had had a coaching session and with the tough goals that has been set for the business bringing Penny in to do coaching sessions was absolutely critical both for their welfare as well as giving us the best opportunity to achieve the goals.

When the organisation was in transformational change additional support offered to my team was critical enabling us as a group to understand each other better which created stronger relationships and improved communication.

Managing Director, Energy Retail 

Penny helped us strengthen the team overall.

Penny was able to help some of the Senior Managers to identify their strengths and weaknesses in a safe and trusting way, ensuring they felt empowered to make changes. This strengthened the team overall.

HR Director, Construction and Security

It has really broaden my horizons as you look at a given situation from many different lenses.

You experience how the differences in the team compliment and strengthen the team, thereby the business. I believe the Penny touch has facilitated a strong alignment in the Senior Management Team that is helping us drive the business from strength to strength while facing unforeseen challenges especially with the Global pandemic.

Financial Controller – Professional Services 

Penny is very insightful in understanding the people dynamics within the team.

She understands how the team complement each other with our different skillsets and offers sound advice in dealing with challenging situations, both within professional relationships and also work situations.

Acteon Amcor Amey Arco Barratts Born + Raised C Space Canal & River Trust Capital One DNV E.ON Everoze Galliford Try Germanischer Lloyd Sateba Corin Refresco Astra Zenica Cromwell IGEM
Horizon Platforms Hudson Interflora Kier LifeArc Molson Coors Northland Controls Nucleus Roadchef Wincanton McKesson/Lloyds Corin AAH Pharmaceuticals Intergen Cawood Scientific SC Johnson